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Local Wisdom Based Academic Reading and Writing

Kamis, 30 Mei 2024


Local Wisdom Based Academic Reading and Writing


Dr. Erni, S.Pd., M.Hum

Prof. Dr. Fadly Azhar, M.Ed

Arefai, S.Pd, M.Pd., AIPO-F


15,5 x 23 cm





This book has two parts. Part A involves receptive, and part B involves productive skills.  Students are expected to read passages provided in the book critically and creatively write paragraphs about Riau’s local wisdom. The 4C skills of critical thinking, creativity, communication, and collaboration are required in this course. The goal of this book is to acquaint students with the essential principles of understanding and crafting effective communication in English. This book acts as a tool to bridge the gap between high school skills and the skills required for university level reading and writing. This book prepares students for the academic challenges of reading and writing for college level, ensuring their success in written communication.

ID Nama genre
1 Umum
2 Filsafat dan Psikologi
3 Agama
4 Sosial, Politik, Budaya
5 Bahasa
6 Sains dan Matematika
7 Teknologi
8 Seni dan Rekreasi
9 Sastra, Fiksi, Novel
10 Sejarah, Biografi, dan Geografi
11 Buku Anak dan Remaja
12 Parenting
13 Hukum, Perundang-undangan
14 Ekonomi, Manajemen, Bisnis, Keuangan
15 Teks Pelajaran Sekolah
16 Teks Perguruan Tinggi
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